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روان خواندن چیست؟

from: shanahan on literacy/ http://www.shanahanonliteracy.com/

Letter I received:
I found these troubling quotes in the Report of the National Reading Panel:
"Fluency, the ability to read a text quickly, accurately, and with proper expression..."
"Fluent readers can read text with speed, accuracy, and proper expression..."
My dismay is due to (a) listing rate first in both statements, and (b) using "quickly" and "with speed" rather than "rate" (or "appropriate rate" as in the CCSS fluency standard). I wonder if this wording may have encouraged folks who now embrace the notion that "faster is better" (e.g. "better readers have higher DIBELS scores--wcpm")
In my own work I often refer to Stahl & Kuhn (2002) who stated that "fluent reading sounds like speech"-- smooth, effortless, but not "as fast as you can."
Who’s right?